Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Best Week in a Long Time

This has been a very good week for Dennis.  He has said repeatedly that he has not felt this good since before all of this happened.  He has not been nearly as tired this week and that has been encouraging.  One of our on-going concerns has been the fatigue and if it will continue after he has completed treatments in February.  The radiation he completed about three months ago is very fatiguing and we were told it can take months for that to wear off.  If this last week has been any indication, it appears that it is finally subsiding some.  In case I am giving you the wrong impression, we are seeing improvement in this area but he still tires easily.  In fact, on Saturday we wanted to do a little Christmas shopping and after just one stop he was exhausted.  I’m guessing he will do most of his shopping on line this year.

We treasure your prayers as we continue on this journey.  Each time Dennis goes in for an infusion or takes his chemo, I pray that God will use it to any remaining cells so this tumor never returns. 

1 comment:

  1. Baby steps, right? I'm SO glad some energy has returned and you are able to go out for however long and enjoy doing these fun family things together once again.
    I will continue to pray for the family and specifically that Dennis is healed.
